Wyoming Snowy Range

Wyoming Fly Fishing: Snowy Range on the Fly

Seth Cagle
The glaciers that carved the mountains of southern Wyoming’s Snowy Range left behind beautiful and breathtaking views. Those glaciers also left behind an abundance of kettle lakes which are now full of hungry trout. Whether you’re a seasoned fly fisherman, or just getting out on the water, the Snowy Range offers ample opportunity and excitement for everyone. Here are some reasons you should visit Wyoming to wet a fly in the Snowy Range.
Wyoming Snowy Range

Wyoming Fly Fishing: Snowy Range on the Fly

Seth Cagle
The glaciers that carved the mountains of southern Wyoming’s Snowy Range left behind beautiful and breathtaking views. Those glaciers also left behind an abundance of kettle lakes which are now full of hungry trout. Whether you’re a seasoned fly fisherman, or just getting out on the water, the Snowy Range offers ample opportunity and excitement for everyone. Here are some reasons you should visit Wyoming to wet a fly in the Snowy Range.
fly line loop with resin

Stick it Where the Sun Shines: Using UV Resin to Splice Line and Glue Fly Line Loops

Michael Vorhis
Guest Blogger: Michael Vorhis, author of ARCHANGEL suspense thriller, OPEN DISTANCE adventure thriller &...
Trico fly

The ABCS of the Trico Spinner Fall

Joe Dellaria
The first time I saw a Trico spinner fall was mid-July. The good news was, I had read an article and was able to recognize what was going on. The bad news was, I didn’t have any trico spinner flies and watched helplessly while standing in the middle of a trout feeding frenzy. I did manage to entice one nice trout to take a grasshopper. That was a consolation prize as I watched dozens of fish feeding with total abandon within four or five rod lengths. At one point, the spinner fall was so thick, a 20+ inch trout simply opened its mouth and mowed a strip of tricos down the hatch as it swam across the run.